1. introduction
  2. the teacher and educational development: how complex is the educational design task?

    The design task of the teacher can be focused on the introduction of some new elements in the existing course. The main problem is how can I design and introduce the new elements in my course in order to increase the quality of the course.
    Other options are that there is the important part of the course which has to be redesigned or maybe the didactical approach had to be changed. And the last option option that a teacher has to make a complete new course.
    The instructional design activities are increasingly more complex in this list of possible contexts.

  3. the final result of the instructional design process
    This is simple a well-functioning course for the students and the teachers. The question is however, what elements of the course is to be designed in order to achieve this result. From the learning theories some indications can be found what elements have to be designed carefully.
    1. why is an instructional design approach necessary? This is a crucial question. The answer can be found in theĀ  in the technical design theories.

    Even in this exact science there are no clear answers. You’ve the analyse for yourself what are possible solution could be and select the best one. And evaluate the final results

    1. How to formulate the educational vision in the educational research and learning theories that are many evidences how you can organise your education. The main idea is that using all these possible evidences you select these evidence which fits your purpose the best. An overview can be given of eight design principles for modern higher education and possible celebrations of these design principles (components). Often this can be found in the didactical concept for the curriculum. The teacher should translate this didactical concept into a didactical concept for his course. This is a typical necessity in educational design and development: the design principles and components for four different courses will be different. The teacher has to make his own translation.
    2. meaningful learning and teaching activities from the instructional design theory some people has prepared some list of possible instructions, learning functions et cetera. There are also descriptions of possibilities to apply the possibilities of ICT in higher education. In the design process the teacher will select very carefully what they want is to use.
    3. learning theories and educational design in most cases in the description of instructional design theories for learning theories are mentioned and analysed.
    4. technical design theories| a clear description is prepared of the tactical design theories in such a way that is possible to find necessary design steps for instructional design and development.
    5. instructional design process in 10 steps a systematic description is given of the more analytical and more design focused activity in the instructional design the development process.

    Part two how to prepare the various elements of the design.

    1. How to find learning objectives and competences
    2. How to describe the design properly and clearly?


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